Hunter Kris

caini de vanatoare

Pensiune in Delta Dunarii

Hunting Dogs

ASSOCIATION THE HUNTING "HUNTER KRIS" sold throughout the year ready for puppies and adult trained in the following races:

  • Brac German short hair - for birds, rabbits
    • puppy without pedigree: 200-350 euro, the parents removed to hunt
    • puppy pedigree: 500 euro - 1200 euro, the parents and close examination of beauty contests
    • trained adults: 900 euros - 3000 euros

  • Brac German wirehaired - for birds, rabbits
    • puppy without pedigree: 200-350 euro, the parents removed to hunt
    • puppy pedigree: 500 euro - 1200 euro, the parents and close examination of beauty contests
    • trained adults: 900 euros - 3000 euros

  • Jagd terrier short hair / wire - the wild boar, goat, bear
    • puppy without pedigree: 250 euro from hunting parents removed
    • puppy pedigree: 350 euro - 500 euro, the parents and close examination of beauty contests
    • trained adults: 600 euros - 1800 euros

  • English Pointer - for birds, rabbits
    • puppy without pedigree: 250 euro - 400 euro, the parents removed to hunt
    • puppy pedigree: 700 euro - 1500 euro, the parents and close examination of beauty contests
    • trained adults: Euro 1200 - Euro 3000

  • Epagneul Breton - for birds, rabbits
    • puppy without pedigree: 250 euro - 400 euro, the parents removed to hunt
    • puppy pedigree: 700 euro - 1500 euro, the parents and close examination of beauty contests
    • trained adults: Euro 1000 - Euro 3500

  • Transylvanian hound - the wild boar, goat, bear
    • puppy without pedigree: 250 euro, the parents removed to hunt
    • puppy pedigree: 400 euro - 600 euro, the parents and close examination of beauty contests
    • rained adults: 800 euro - 1800 euro

For more details, call 004.0744.348.950, 004.0767.808.808 - Cristian O.  +40744348950  © copyright Vanatorul Kris